historical journey through WP – 2012/2013

the eye that is penetrating sees clearly,

the ear that is penetrating hears clearly,

the nose that is penetrating distinguishes odors,

the mouth that is penetrating distinguishes flavors,

the mind that is penetrating has understanding,

and the understanding that is penetrating has virtue. ~ CHUANG-TZU

peace lily

Every life is a point of view directed upon the universe. Strictly speaking, what one life sees no other can. Every individual, . . . is an organ, for which there can be no substitute, constructed for the apprehension of truth . . . Without the development, the perpetual change and the inexhaustible series of adventures which constitute life, the universe, or absolutely valid truth, would remain unknown . . . Reality happens to be like a landscape, possessed of an infinite number of perspectives, all equally veracious and authentic. The sole false perspective is that which claims to be the only one there is. ~José Ortega y Gasset


a historical journey through WP

January 2014

Still life

wordlesswedapple (1)

February 2014

“Within the mind is a storehouse of memories that entered [my] psyche through the windows of [my] senses.  The treaures received through the gift of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell…these are what I have come to cherish as yearnings for possessions fade from desire.  What I yearn for now is to live a life filled with the creation of memories to visit and revisit again.”

April 2014

There was a  man who was so disturbed by the sight of his own shadow and so displeased with his own footsteps that he determined to get rid of both. The method he hit upon was to run away from them.

So he got up and ran. But every time he put his foot down there was another step, while his shadow kept up with him without the slightest difficulty.

He attributed his failure to the fact that the was not running fast enough. So he ran faster and faster, without stropping, until he finally dropped dead.

He failed to realize that if he merely stepped into the shade, his shadow would vanish, and if he sat down and stayed still, there would be no more footsteps.*

*cited: The Way of Chuang Tzu Thomas Merton

May 2014

cbwc: fences and gates

It is a bit of a puzzle as to the reason the log and rock are placed in front of the gate. I suppose the first thing to explore is, which way does the gate open?” If the gate moves outward, then what is being kept within?

That dear Watson invites another mystery to explore.

If the gate moves inward, the gate is not a barrier so does it open both in and out? If so, then I assume the log and rock are meant to keep the gate from extending outward?


Cee’s black and white challenge: fences and gates